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20 Absolutely Superb Photos That Reveal Life in All Its Beauty

Sometimes, even the best photographers in the world need a bit of luck to capture breathtaking images.
Bright Side prepared a fresh selection of photos that perfectly capture those truly incredible moments of life which occur all around the world every day, no Photoshop required.
A spider wove a web on a leaf
A million dollar view
First flight
Fearless explorer
Are you a half-open or a half-closed kind of sunflower?
Lightning strike, New York Bay
Investigation of the direction and intensity of the wind using dyes

A vole taking a nap in an iris flower.
Surf’s up
Buddha statue casually holding a ... plane
Seagull snatches an ice-cream straight out of man’s hand
A cloud that looks like a tsunami
Praying Mantis on a bike
Playing with cars

A metro station in Stockholm
Water-skiers set a new world record after 145 people were pulled behind a single boat in Strahan, Tasmania
Sheets of ice left in midair after winter floods receded beneath them
Kids on a crystal clear lake in Sabah, Malaysia

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